Napo Wildlife Center
About Napo Wildlife Center.
The Napo Wildlife Center is the greatest alternative luxury ecolodge in Amazonian Ecuador. This ecotourism project includes the conservation of approximately over 82 square miles (53,500 acres – over 21,400 hectares) of the most pristine Amazon Rain Forest within the Yasunì National Park, an important Biosphere Reserve and the largest tract of tropical rain forest in Ecuador. The Napo Wildlife Center Lodge is located by the Añangucocha Lake, into the unique ancestral territory of the Añangu Kichwa Community and thanks to their own initiative and supported by the Tropical Nature Conservation System they manage this tourism project by themselves providing incomes to help their local families.
Napo wildlife Center Services
Tour 5 Day 4 Nights
Day 1: Quito – Coca – Motor Canoe Rides – Napo Wildlife Center
Day 2: Observation Tower - Rainforest Hiking
Day 3: Parrot clay lick – Kichwa Community of Añangu
Day 4: Hike Tiputini trail - Paddle canoes ride
Day 5: Wildlife Sightings – Return to Quito.
Tour 4 Nignts 3 days
Day 1: Quito – Coca – Motor Canoe Rides – Napo Wildlife Center
Day 2: Parrot clay lick – Kichwa Community of Añangu
Day 3: Observation Tower
Day 4: Wildlife Sightings – Return to Quito
Enjoy a canoe ride on our lagoon, Garzacocha, and discover a great diversity of plants and animals in two different landscapes and ecosystems.
Yasuni birding tour
5 Day 4 Nights
Day 1: Quito – Coca – Motor Canoe Rides – Napo Wildlife Center
Day 2 - Day
4 : Observation Tower Birding - Rainforest Birding Trek – Parrot Clay Lick – Canoe-ride Birding - Birding on the Napo River Islands
Day 5: Napo Wildlife Center - Motor Canoe Rides - Coca - Quito
Yasuni Cultural tour
5 Days 4 Nights
Day 1: Quito – Coca – Motor Canoe Rides – Napo Wildlife Center
Day 2: Observation Tower - Rainforest Hiking
Day 3: Parrot clay lick – Kichwa Community of Añangu
Day 4: Hike Tiputini trail - Paddle canoes ride
Day 5: Wildlife Sightings – Return to Quito